Tuesday, September 30, 2003 \ 4:13 PM
todays a fine fine day~ everythings going so well..lalala..
yepp haha..lemme list em out okay?
chinese i got 72,
so therefore i earn a swensens treat frm my dear fren :)
haha mrs hui just called me den i was lyk.YAY OMG REALLY? haha..
thk i kinda shocked her..
anyway our next motion is "should noise be tolerable in teh library?" we're propo and therefore we hafta agree that noise IS tolerable..
haha..but somehw we'll make it.jus like other debates.=)
we will win!
if you people haf any points tell us okay!whether theyre for oppo or propo. just tell me! or siying or alfred! haha...thanks alot in advance :)
okay now all i gotta do is my dnt.i finish this today will be PERFECT!
haha..ciaos dearies~
- gone with the windd`
Monday, September 29, 2003 \ 7:47 PM
exams are arnd the corner,i wana get promoted!
yeah!!haha..but i duno leh i scared carnt get promoted..sighx..
anyway just got home frm studying with phuishan..wasnt really in da study mood today so wasnt that useful lahz..yesterday was better..studied frm like 2- arnd 8 lidat with only a little break..yepyep :) so proud of me yesterday haha...
yewting thot i dint dare to eat fries with lotsa lotsa lotsa sauce..too bad I LOVE IT! :p he dared me wad i took every single fry loL..
backwarder..duno ur tudi well enuff loL...
im somebody's pillow o.0 lol..=x
anyway my complexions gettin from bad to worse. argh-
but it will get better i knoe it!haha..it WILL GET BETTER!!
jsut like we will get into semi finals for debate lol..
anyway chinese is this friday n i dont wana go to school on wed n thurs..but theres test on those days lor!!hai..carnt skip sch le..=( otehrwise can stay home study..
im so not prepared lor.(and yep im still online!) but i dont know la..somehow ill make it thru jsut like other years..but i wana do well i wana secure a promotion u see..even my english is shaky now..maybe its just the teacher la i failed compre!and my english is like 93.5/180 lorhx..hw shitty culd dat get?argh-
anyway got physics test tmrw..gotta go study now..
- gone with the windd`
Sunday, September 28, 2003 \ 12:03 AM
hu is e person dat u will tink of when u r lying in bed before u slp..
hu is e person dat will make ur heart race when u see him..
hu is e person dat u will search in e midst of a crowd..hoping to get to see him once again
hu is e person dat u are reminded of when a love song is played
hu is e person dat u pray to see his name when u receive a msg
hu is e person dat u enjoy seeing him smile
hu is e person dat u hope is standing sumwhere..witnessing ur glorious moments
hu is e person dat u wish for him to pass you a tissue when u r crying
hu is e person dat will keep u looking at the gift that he has just gave u
hu is e person dat u will tink of when e fone rings
hu is e person dat has the ability to make u cry..as well as to dry ur tears
hu is e person dat u luv and hopes dat he truly luvs u too
hu is DAT person in ur heart?
- gone with the windd`
Saturday, September 27, 2003 \ 10:11 PM
heyheyy im home!
yepyep and well theres good news
obviously its obvious news but some pple dont know la..so i gotta say it lorhx..
muahaha..haha..but duno whether we'll get into da semis coz they gonna choose 4 outta 5 winning teams.yepyep but we will we will =)
after debate walked arnd wif siying and waited for phuishan to come.that ger ah!clean hamster cage so long make us wait so long. by the time she come siying had to leave already haha..so we went to entertainment mac to study.frm arnd 2-6 lydat yah..saw kathleen's stead.haha..
then after that went to walk arnd..buy some stuff haha..they were havin this line dance thingy where many ppl came to dance line dance and it was pretty interesting considerin the fact that there were pple hu culd dance and ppl hu totally culdnt dance at all..haha phuishan n i were luffing away man..it was really damn farni coz we focused on the "jokers"..
then phuishan was lyk telling me "laz yr 4e4 junming veh shuai. then got this guy called sebastian oso ting hao kan"den i was lyk huh u sure anot haha..i knoe damn bad larz but he says that hes not mah..haha..shrug- den she oso say wenxiang quite cute..that ger always talk abt guys wan.haha..everytime go out wif her got new secrets..bet she culd recite the naems of all teh gangs in singapore.haha..the hokkien shit names..bet she even knoes some of them ah haha..
culdnt make it to visit my bro today so im gonna visit him tmrw.heard that hes still got da fever.sigh- think hes gonna be exempted from exams..bleahz..so unfair- but hope he gets well soon anyway sorta worried abt him..
anyway..nothing much to say anymore except that ive been using ALOT of sms..argh- cant control!somebody save me lol..buy a hi card for me..haah..
okokayy ill stop here.cya!
- gone with the windd`
Friday, September 26, 2003 \ 9:29 PM
name = nicole
piercings = two and im gonna get more..heck what others say
tattoos = nahh not into permenant ones..
height = 164cm
shoe size = 7
hair color = dark brown
length = long hair :) but the rebondings goin off :(
siblings = younger bro andre. irritating at times.haha..
pets = nahh they all died.
movie you rented = singapore lets us rent movies?
movie you bought = haha..dont buy movies..
song you listened to = jay chou-qing tian.(rawks!)
song that was stuck in your head = yu jian by sun yan zi
thing you've downloaded = umm..carnt rem..thk its turn left turn right ost by gigi leung..
cd you bought = miraculously, i dint buy any this yr :)
cd you listened to = one of jay chous old albums..
person you've called = um sms count anot? haha..if not i thk its my grandma..
person that called you = my aunty..
tv show you've watched = deft. holland vee!!
person you were thinking of = haha im not telling!!
you have a bf or gf = nahh...
you have a crush on someone = hmm is it a crush? or more than a crush ? =p
you wish you could live somewhere else = obviously..LA is supah kewl..
you think about suicide = sometiems when im realle depressed.yah.
you believe in online dating = hell no.
you want more piercings = whaddya think? im so gettin them lorhx.
you want more tattoos = english fail ah u..i already said i dont have any how to get morE?
you drink = only tried it once.and dont want to try it again.i think.
you do drugs = asking me a stupid question? obviously no..
you smoke = haha no either..quite against it..
you like cleaning = only when i feel sticky ill clean myself n surroundings yeahz..
you like roller coasters = nope.totally scared.just like ghost shows haha..
you write in cursive or print = print i cant do cursive for nuts.
you carry a donor card = crazee what for?
For or Against..
teenage smoking = against.yeah..
doing drugs = worse than smoking. againstagainstagainst-
premarital sex = u crazy?wad for wana have a baby before u get married?hey gif ur special first time to ur lao gong or lao po lah..=p against.
driving drunk = unless u want to die..its a good way to die..or else im against. =)
soap operas = tell me whats wif the crying in the show?!
tv show = FRIENDS and HOLLAND VEEE!!!charmed too!
thing in the world = flying on the wings of love..haha..
thing to collect = postcards?free,nice and coool..
colors of all time = hmm..duno leh alot haha..pink blue white black..etc..
thing to do on a rainy day = sleep or chattin wif him =p
feeling in the world = whaddya think?read above =p
Have you...
ever cried over a guy = ermm..yea
ever lied to someone = lwahaha u think im an angel ah?
ever been in a fist fight = okay u seriously think im an angel.
Perfume do you use = duno lehx hop here hop there wan..haha..experimenting..
shoes do you wear = shoes which i can fiti n larhx..
are you scared of = totally CLOWNS
of continents I have lived in? singapore lah..i wish i culd stay somewhere else though..
of drugs taken illegally? geesh u DORI ah?i already said I DONT TAKE DRUGS N IM AGAINST IT.
of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? duno..not alot..
of people I consider my enemies? hmm 1,2,3..3,2,1..none! :)
of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?ONCE haha..in primary school
of scars on my body? something in chi..shu dou shu bu qing..
Have you ever...
Fallen for your best friend? ah nah im not les
Made out with JUST a friend? nope..im not that bitch okay.
Been in love? heez of course.love is all splendid..love is..okayokay ill stop haha..
Cheated on someone? ahh not exactly..
Who was the last person...
You touched? aunty
You talked to? aunty
You hugged? elizabeth..haha..nono not lesbian..jus fren-fren hug okay?dont thk too much
Have you/are you/do you....
Considered a life of crime? oh hell yeah of course ive thot of it! im sadistic remember? obviously NOT.
Considered being a hooker? oh yah and let those perverts touch me lyk im some figurine?NO.
Considered being a pimp? wahaha sounds lyk pimple. NOO!
Are you psycho? um..at times only not all the time..guess why..im in 3e3 mah haha..
Schizophrenic? duno..ahha
Obsessive compulsive? just sometimes.not all the time :)
Panic? yeahh at times too.
Anxiety? not all the time..
Depressed? nope im happy!shalalala-
Obsessed with hate? im so kind hw culd i be obsessed wif soemthing like that?geesh.
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? aww man im not THAT sick.
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? HUH?dont think so leh..not sure..
Are you...
Understanding: depends.
Open-minded: haha quite lorhx..compared to alot of people..
Interesting: hw would i knoe?ask urself my dear-
Hungry: nahh not hungry not full not wantin to eat etiher..
Friendly: quite but i culd be an introvert? if i want to..haha..
Childish: my inner child is 16-years-old.
Healthy: hmm not sure about that..considering the food im consuming recently..NOPE
Difficult: yeah sometimes when im not in a good mood.
Thirsty: TOTALLY.
Responsible: wahaha i refuse to take suparmans advice okay!(be responsible-)
Sad: nopenope.
Happy: quite =)
Trusting: yeah quite i trust my friends not to backstab me and stuff like that yah..
Talkative: haha depends hu im with lah..
Own a webcam? nope
Current Clothes: jus normal home clothes..
Current Mood: sleeepieeee
Current Taste: huh?
Current Hair: tied up..
Current Annoyance: hot weather!
Current Smell: hw u smell urself? tell me.
Current thing you ought to be doing: obviously i shud be studying.but shrug-
Current Book: chicken soup for the soul rawks!
Current DVD In Player: oh thx for remindin me i DONT have a workin dvd player.
Current Refreshment: i wan ice lemon tea...
Current Worry: exams lah what else?
Current Crush: lalalalala...
On Dating....
Long or short hair? depends haha..
Dark or blond hair? totally dark.asian ppl look lyk shit in blond.
Tall or short? taller than me.i dont feel secure wif someone smaller than me.
Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? 50-50..
Good boy or bad boy? hmm 40%-60%? i dont know but most of the time i go for e bad boys haha..dont ask me why i dont knoe either.
Dark or light eyes? huh what does that mean?
Pierced or no? as long as no expanded holes..size of straws..bleah..
On preferences....
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? choc milk.cant stand hot stuff..
McDonalds or Burger King?both can?filet o fish n mushroom swiss!
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? definitely perfect lover.
Sweet or sour? mixed?
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? root beer.
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? action+comedy+sappy..anti-horror!
Ocean or Pool? ocean much much cooler-
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? nacho cheese.
With or without ice-cubes? with ice cubes.
Shine or rain?depends where i am of course.
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? winter..totally love it!
Vanilla or Chocolate? do you need to even ASK? CHOCOLATE OF COURSE!
Gloves or mittens? mittens sound like kittens. kittens are cute. =)
Eyes open or closed? huh..
Fly or breathe under water? man i want both..
Bunk-bed or waterbed? rather bunk.i get seasick on waterbed.tried before haha.
Chewing gum or hard candy? chewing gum..dont like hard stuff-
Motor boat or sailboat? depends who ure with :)
haha got this frm shirleens blog. thanks gerl!
- gone with the windd`
my house is damndamndamn quiet now.haha
knoe why?
coz my bro aint at home..hes hospitalised..
i thk he got dengue fever.grandma told me when i got home dat hes at hospital..
yepyep.. -pray- hope he'll get well soon..exams arnd the corner yeah?
neway went to tpc again today..haha but with siying to do our debate yepyep..
we were goin along well at first but ended up stuck again lor and we culdnt contact alfred..so yah haha..we were stuck lor..our "unclogger" alfred culd not be conatcted haha..
then we walked arnd..went to kiddy palace..played wif da stuff there..haha..felt lyk a lil kid once again.sigh- miss my kiddy years..now i knoe where to go when im sad.. :) kiddy palace!
haha..anyway i was msging sebastian den i let him hear da barney thingy..haha too bad he culdnt really hear it..aww- next time okay? haha..
tmrws debate.and guess what i knoe the ending already. we win what!haha..=p
we're lyk damn confident.maybe a lil overconfident? haha..but shrugs we will win! =)
i bored-ohyah gotta do my debate stuff write it out on cards.yepyep..
so ciaos!
- gone with the windd`
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 \ 7:18 PM
guess what im doin here..
yepyep im BORED..
besides smsing im doing nothing else.haha..but im in a good mood..
duno whie leh haha..
but its good isnt it hehx..
anyway today almost sucked i mean lessons la i was abit falling asleep haha..
den 4 periods of l tan..i almost died man haha..
hmm lets see oh yah wua huan tried drawin pikachu but looked more like an electrocuted cat and jeremy used the curve ruler to "fuck" my empty correction tape..go figure -_- there was even babies haha..
after sch wanted to go do debate but dear alfred had ta go do cme project.argh- n im not free for the nxt 2 days so siyin n alfred gonna do it n siying will tell me da stuff..yepyep..
its this saturday and
we will win
oh yes we will :)
its at toa payoh library at 9am come support okay? haha..
anwyay went to tpc after school today to pay 1/3 of my 120 bucks fone bill and return library books.yah..im totally broke.haha..siying n i were lyk lookin for pple to borrow money from so we culd eat lorhx..but culdnt find anyone so bo pian i used abit of the 50 bucks meant for fone bill to eat yep..at least i ate larh haha..
den i tested siying on the chinese worsd. she got 29/34 or something liek that.she tested me and i got 31/33 :p of course with abit of hinting coz zhu ren wei kuai le zhi ben mahz haha i helped her oso!
okay2 guess ive to go now..go bathe den whack my books =)
lots of love, hugs and kisses-
- gone with the windd`
Tuesday, September 23, 2003 \ 9:48 PM
life is..okay lah i wont say good *shrugs
hmm jus came home frm tuition..went to study today at foodfare wif marilyn barry junrong arvin wua huan willie..yepyep jaromes came when i hadta leave..
tink e guys were shock i culd get along wif marilyn.haha dont ask me why!!theyre weird but i love them anyway..loL..
sigh-im lyk supah bored now..ive got nothing to do n im kwite disappointed with someone..yeah..
say stuff already den act lyk nothing has happened.
i mean like, okay maybe he forgot but still..hes kinda weird these 2 days lorh..
totally different from hw we talked last time..i dont know..maybe he shouldnt have got drunk that nite n tell me all those stuff..then maybe we wont be talkin like that now..haha..or maybe its just me, im just being kinda sensitive..
today mr ng gave us rochers..ferrero rochers haha..played a so-called game with us..ask us not to eat them until e end of the day or else we gotta pay him one box! of course we culd resist da temptation la..haha..i did my best!haha..den at e end of the day i got 2 rochers!!yay haha coz fajar gave me his and jeremy wanted to gif me his too but mr ng fault la! he come over say "eh why u got so many?" den i was lyk fajar n jeremy gif me mah so i got 3 den he say wah u not scared go into TAF club ah eat 3 den jeremy went to snatch his back..haha..gif things liao still can take back..
i thk mr ng wanted us to treat the choc lyk mr koh? except dat i luv the choc ALOT more.haha..
anyway our pic wif nathan n the minister is out liao haha..the minister one my face kena block!!argh- stupid lihua everytime lidat..haha..
anyway yesterday had band..mr tan said hed choose da new committee after exams.shrug dont thk ill get in anymore.i duwanna be absm if i get it..id rather be nothing, bsm or adm. not absm..bleahx..haha..but dont thk ill get anything anyway..
guess ill stop here..nothin much to say..
sorry for da bo chap att today haha..
- gone with the windd`
Monday, September 22, 2003 \ 7:04 PM

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
oh hell yeah i lurve that age. i mean as life la not education. haha..
go eat dinnah first!brb-
- gone with the windd`
Saturday, September 20, 2003 \ 10:15 PM
today was flag day. and im damn tired.haha..
its only today then i realised how rojak singapore is loL..
there are people hu
-donate willingly,
-donate but unwillingly,
-dont donate but bother to say sorry and
-people who are totally rude and treat us like we're invisible.
oh yah how could i forget the people who walk sideways just to avoid us? aww thats just so so sweet isnt it..
haha..abit bad larh but i swear what im sayin is true lorhx..go ask da sec 3s hu did it lar..haha..oh yah did i forget to mention army guys are damn rich? coz they are rich- most of my donations came from them haha..thankew thankew :)
neway i was actually assigned to collect donations in tp lor 6..but i dint wana stay in tp for a long time so winnie,clara,siying, ryn and i stayed in central for awhile den we went city hall to do..then we went yishun.haha yishun was da best lorhx..ppl there only got 2 types.rude and super friendly haha..seriously!
there was this grp of malay boys hu auto came n donated to us lorhx damn nice so we gave them more stickers haha..den when we walked behind dem they were lyk "why u followin us we donate already!" n one of them kept stucking it thumb out infront of our faces and going "i donate already!" sissily..haha..its damn farni..thk we almost became friends ah hahaz..dunno why beatty dont have this kinda people..haha..
anyway shirmaine was really lucky..she did it and her can was full to the brim lorh and where did she go? she just stayed outside ntuc leh!haha..
mine was like 1/10 full or somethin like that.couldnt really care much anyway.haha..
after that siying n i went to buy some hair accessories den we went to mac to have a drink coz i was real thirsty, dint drink anything the whole day lorhx..
yepyep then phuishan met us afterwards n siying had ta leave like in 10 min after she came. so both of us went library to find her self-improvement books..haha..then we walked arnd..went to cd-rama to read mags..den went bugis to take neos n makan..super hungry!haha..after that came home liao..yepyep..
really really tired now coz i slept at lyk 3 last night lorhx..yepyep..dowana say why otherwise u pple sure wont pity me one.haha..i told liz n siying why and they were like "i dont pity you anymore-" haha..bad right! =p
anyway..turn left turn right isnt as fantastic as anyone says it is lor..duno..find e ending super lame leh..maybe its just me la but a scene of 2 umbrellas standing side by side=the end? *shrugs its weird to me lah duno abt the rest of the people..haha..but of course there are some nice parts n touching scenes..yepyep..
soemtimes i wonder.if u tell a person de truth- why does it actually lyk,bring the 2 pple apart?i dont know but i thk thats whats gonna happen to me.maybe i shudnt haf slept at 3 last night.maybe i shud haf just slept earlier. well shrugs- whats done is done..sigh-
ill stop here for now.gotta do some research for lit project, still dont know how to do it.haha.help? pleasE? =p
- gone with the windd`
Thursday, September 18, 2003 \ 7:42 PM
have i ever mentioned that my brothers an idiot?
if i havent.let me say this.
hes an ultimate asshole-
yepyep.irritating bitch.i wan to use comp he oso wana use, den gif some lame excuse that he wana do project when actually he playing game.everytime lydat..i damn irritated leh somemore my parents dont listen to me listen to him one lorhx..waddahell..damn unfair leh i wana use oso cannot..
argh-i hate brothers.i mean younger brothers.they just dont know how irritating they are.bleahx..hw i wish i had a younger sis or an older bro.
my family SUCKS.
anyway i went bowling wif fajar jessica n arvin today.
first game i got last.
2nd game i got second.
third game i got first!
haha..i beat fajar leh!!can u believe it..i got lyk 119 lorhx.haha =p
damn happy i even wrote it in da neoprint haha..
prolly my highest score ever.
tmrw gonna go watch turn left turn right with siying
supposed to watch today wif fajar n jessica but hu knew they busted me go watch yesterday argh-
haha..nvrm i forgive them.
crap i dont know how to do the amaths homework on permutation. ive done it before!cant believe hw short term my memory ish..gotta realle start studyin already..probably tonight or something like that.yep.
if i have the determination lah haha..
-gua feng zhe tian wo shi guo wo zhe ni shou dan pian pian yu jian jian da dao wo kan ni bu jian, hai you duo jiu wo cai neng zai ni shen bian deng dao fang qing de na tian ye xu wo hui bi jiao hao yi dian cong qian cong qian you ge ren ai ni hen jiu dan pian pian feng jian jian be ju li cui de hao yuan. hao bu rong yi you neng zai duo ai yi tian dan gu shi de zhui hou ni hao xiang hai shi shuo le byebye-qing tian by jay chou :)
that song rawks ye hui mei rawks!haha..
okayokay haha..go listen to it if you dont know what good music is okay? =p
today during wincens shw n tell, he was talking abt indonesia.his country.
that guy totally loves his land lorhx..man..cant stand him too patriotic haha..
anyway during question n answer time fajar n other indonesians kept throwing questions at him tryin to pull him down lolz..damn farni. den barry n junrong asked questions abt why is indonesia so chaotic n why they kena bomb loL..its damn farni lorhx..today sch was fun :) for once haha..
well..ive to go now.start doing my homework yep..
ciaos..oh yah..
- gone with the windd`
Wednesday, September 17, 2003 \ 10:43 PM
life is good-
wahhaa guess why?
coz teh stupid pimple on my face is going away.i think.
haha..it will go away!! i know like all other pimples thats been on my face loL..
anyway yongjian ask me update wan..so here i am..
he misses my blog. o.0
why ah? haha
hmm yesterday had emaths remedial..wanted to pon but dint haf enuff time..
lucky dint pon coz those who did kinda got into trouble with mr ng.
then today..a maths lesson de "toilet guys" had their lesson in the toilet haha..damn funny leh.hope they learnt their lesson n not go toilet every period lorhx..haha
im damn happy tmrw im gonna watch turn left turn right!!yay after like so long haha..
heard its damn nice lorhx..carnt wait..
anyway gotta go now..dads askin my to sleep already..
- gone with the windd`
Monday, September 15, 2003 \ 7:23 PM
haha yepyep.something quite major happened today lah.i dowant to say what issit sometimes its better not to say anything. its not anything im supposed to be happy about la haha..
i jsu laugh at everything when im online so yah bear wif it =p
good news people
i got highest in class for lit..again!! heex 19/25
think someone was majorly unhappy coz shes supposed to be the one in our class who knows the novel the best.haha..
oh yah somebody in our class oso beginning to look like transvestite.haha..some of u knoe hu larh..its super sick lorhx.so er xin..yuck dont even want to THINK about it man.
todays compo class was boring.as usual.the crazy teacher isnt funny anymore lor her jokes just REPEAT one..and she thinks shes funny.
lazy to go find the marquee..maybe later.haha..
i realised ive been really happy lately.haha..maybe coz of..ya some of u knoe la some dont :)
i wana watch turn left turn right!!argh eric got tix but i carnt go tmrw night.gt tuition.irritating lehx..
okay let mee see what happened the 2 days i dint come online.
hmm.sat went to seowlings house to do the souvenier for P.O.P
its pretty cute lah haha but i dont know what the seniors will say about it considering their sacarstic character.
then yesterday..went to church lorhx..yep..fell asleep in main again..was just too tired coz slept at like 1 or 2 the night before.watching tv haha when i was already tired.
okiee guess ill stop here.gotta go eat my dinnah already :)
later peepx!
- gone with the windd`
Friday, September 12, 2003 \ 10:21 AM

Which Pirates of the Carribean character are you? Find out @ RelentlessDivas.Net!

Which Kid's TV Character are You?Find out!

Which Crossroads Girl are You?Find out!
shrugs was bored and dint feel like bloggin.
haha..watched homerun yesterday!!
finally man yesh..haha..its not bad larhx..
i jus was oohin n ahhing thruout the whole movie everytime joshua came out.
and siying who dint wana watch the show at first had to tahan me.
thankew dear haha..
last nite i watched joshua too hes sososososososososo ultra cute!
oh yah we won our debate.i mean naturally we won lah
but still we WON!!after like 5 hours of preparing? haha..
but i think we won by jus a border coz bowen was pretty gud too :)
yeah this guy frm bowen jonathan troung
or something like that looked pretty good when i first entered de room n saw him.
but it turned out
1-he was short
2-his head is bigger than his body!!
haha..its serious~ when he was doin his speech siying n i were makin comments on him
and alfred was like shakin his head loL..
and i think compared to the other group we were damn relaxed loh
coz during the 15 min break we were jokin n laughin when the other grp were discussing.
well thats us but we won leh haha..
neway got nothing much to say anymore..
got a meeting at 12 later at kiddy palace.dont ask me.
haha..to do souveniers i think however u spell that word.
and guess what my sms is already like 600++ *gasps*
sigh..should stop but carnt haha..addicted!
anyway im gonna stop bloggin now.
- gone with the windd`
Wednesday, September 10, 2003 \ 9:16 PM
:+:thinking of debate points.:+:
heyy here i am again- *grinn
had chinese n amaths lesson today.
quite productive lessons we had today.
which is like.once in a lifetime for our class? haha..
then after that we went to tpc to discuss debate.yepyep
dint get anywhere until alfred came.
haha...thats when the juices started flowing.
yepyep.alfreds a wonder man.
discussed debate until about 5+ then went for my tuition make up session.
the freakin sec 4s were soo noisy.btu they were funny lah even cher was luffin
haha- okayokay ill stop here.
tmrws debate!! *jumps* i hope we'll win.
oh nonono..i mean WE WILL WIN :)
hee..wish me gud luck!
-gone with the wind-
- gone with the windd`
Tuesday, September 09, 2003 \ 11:08 AM
heyheyy..dint blog yesterday coz..well simply too busy..:D
had amaths in da morning then went out with siying n fajar.
fajar nice nice treated us to movie n marche..*grinn-
we reached home arnd 4++ well gotta rest for a while.
then after than arnd 6.15 i left the house,
to go to larry n barrys bday party
the food there is quite good n the cake was quite nice.. :D
then we went to united square to walk.
it was soo quiet..so empty but with us around.. *impish grin-
haha..then we went arcade..
larry yewting daryl and me played table hockey.
damn funny but i hurt myself.the puck or pun or whatever keep
hitting my finger..lol..
oh yah poor daddy burnt his fingers..take care aite??
i think i gotta go soon too supposed to meet huishan n siying at tpc at 1215
then go to jingyis house for some kinda event.
tonite got tuition.. groans-
so ciaos!!
- gone with the windd`
Sunday, September 07, 2003 \ 12:28 AM
heyheyy..blogger is UP N RUNNING!!hahaz..
haha kay heres a song that totally rawks
many pple might haf put this lyrics but still.i wana put
wad can u do? =p
You're the kind of friend who always bends when I'm broken
Like remember when
You took my heart and put it back together again
I've been wasting time with clueless guys
But now it's over
Let me tell you why
I'm through
I've meet someone new
Just like you
You're it
You're the ultimate
It's automatic.
I'm sure of it
No lie
So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy
Cuz I've been waiting all my life
For someone just like you
But you're it
You're the ultimate, you
You're the kind of guy who's hands and mind send shivers up and down my spine
You took my heart and put it back together again
You're the kind of guy that blows my mind
But now it's my turn
You've been right in front of me
Everything I need
Why didn't i see
You're it
You're the ultimate
It's Automatic.
I'm sure of it
No lie
So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy
Cuz I've been waiting all my life
For someone just like you
But you're it
You're the ultimate, you
[Guitar Playing]
You're it
You're the ultimate
It's automatic
I'm sure of it
No lie
So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy
You're it
You're the ultimate
It's Automatic.
I'm sure of it
No lie
So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy
Cuz I've been waiting all my life
For someone just like you
But you're it
You're the ultimate, you
You're it
You're the ultimate, you....
its by lindsay lohan.if you dont have it get it from me kay?
cos it rawks lor haha..
neway today nothing much..went out with family..
yepyep went to my opticians shop he let me try brown n blue contacts.
hes sooo nice
he actualyl told me mum that her children will look good when they grow up.
haha i look farni in blue.
but in brown.
i look like a jap!
mya rite junrong? =p
other then that nthin much lorhx..
well ill stop here.rem to download da song kay?
nites darling tmrw got performance
gotta get my energy grinn-
im wathcin my dance everyday to get it!
- gone with the windd`
Friday, September 05, 2003 \ 10:08 PM
- "you cant touch a lady, thats not very nice"
-caption john sparrow? -
haha now u all know why junrong goes around saying
"thats not very nice"
its frm pirates of the carribbean which is quite good haha..
its really funny if u get the jokes la..
haha wenta watch it with junrong n khai today.
yepyep..junrong disturbing us in different parts of the show.
coz he watched it yesterday haha..
haha pirate language..
oh yah lets all stick to da pirate code.
but its jus a guideline.. =p
aite 1 movie down..2 or 3 more to go..
-my boss's daughter
-probly that legally blonde shit?
haha i dont know..
we'll see lah..
joshuas on the chinese shw next thurs!!
i wana watch hahaz..
hes damn cute lor..liked him ever since i watch xiao hai bu ben..
hah koh bc jus called me!yuck.haha..
coz i din hand up my graph books..
crap hw did he get my number thats so sick
now i gotta go back to sch tmrw MORNING when im supposed to SLEEP IN!
waste my time only.
nothin much other than that happened today
n my hand hurts frm writing 2 pages for lit..
so tata~!
- gone with the windd`
Thursday, September 04, 2003 \ 10:00 PM
-ni dai zhou wo de shang heng you chou
zai shi jia shang bao xie xi jing wo jui
wo xin ling bei gen xin
feng sheng shen ming wo ling shou :) -
my church wrote this song..realle b-e-a-utiful..hahaz
neway the video of our dance r a w ks!!
it looks alot better lorhx..its damn kewl man haha..
i thot it would turn out.dull.but its kwite kewl..
if only cheryn never talk!!haha..notti ger
still dare to say she rawk.loL..
neway i passed dnt overall -phew-
62 i think..i passed chi but din do well..62.5..=(
even mdm tan say shu xian zhe chi bu zhe mo hao horx..
tmrw i think gonna get back physics test.yep..n we got lit test tmrw.
damn last minute lorh xingzhi suddenly call me ask me bring lit file
and said tmrw got test.
oh well, i shud be able to pass.
hmm what else..not much really..
guess ill stop here for today..nothin much to say
adios ^_^
- gone with the windd`
Wednesday, September 03, 2003 \ 9:10 PM
-you have made me glad and i'll say of the lord
you are my shield my strength my portion my deliverer
my shelter strong tower my very present help in time of need-
heyheyy...hows life everyone? *smiles*
haha life is alright to me la.. (except for the fact that im probly the only failure for dnt and i almost failed english?)
past few days were fine too...
o ya i passed s.s totally unexpected!! but i failed chem la 7/30
-_-" haha..its okay eveyrbody else did worse.=x
today wenta braddell mac wif siying huishan xingzhi jingyi willie n some gal forgot her name haha..
coz jingyi was supposed to meet some freak oso called jingyi frm zhonghua thanks to her fren.
n she din wan to so we hadta fake lorhx don tell them hu she is.but hu noe her fren ps her.haha..
in the end..duno lah nothin much happened haha..
then went central with siying to take my band pic lorhx..the blk n white one..
7 bucks n i look like shit haha..
siying was like you look fine la you look fine!!
haha..den we went tpc library to research for our debate.
the motion is should fines be imposed for noise-makers n we're propo
shud be okay la not considerin the fact that the definitions of impose is against us.
yepyep then we went to da 3rd level..i borrowed 4 books.i put it on the keyboard there.
guess what it dropped and arnd 10 ppl stared at me..so paiseh sia..
includin the 3 guys sitting at the corner makin noise n my books were louder than them haha..
after that we went home..yeah haha oh yah got one funny thing happen
a male n a female sat beside me la i was sitting at the long seat mahz.
then mobiletv showin wheel of fortune.
then the guy was tokin crap to the lady tok abt a maths
ask hw to solve 2x-square+56x+5=0 hahaz..
den tok abt differentiation..
but the lady wanted to watch wheel of fortune so he oso watch since kena ignored..
then he tok somemore sia..tryin to guess the puzzle..haha
damn funny 2 adults cannot answer simple questions lorhx..i wanted to tell them the answer sia..
i wana luff man loL..
but i scared they stare at me like some ah beng lidat =p
haix..tryin sooo hard nt to luff..kay la2 i dont be so bad
well gotta go now wana go a maths..decided to be hardworking :)
- gone with the windd`
Tuesday, September 02, 2003 \ 6:11 PM

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Yoshimi - "Happy Beauty"
Sponsored by www.life-blood.cjb.net
What would your Japanese name be? (female)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Aurora from Sleeping Beauty!
What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
- gone with the windd`
Monday, September 01, 2003 \ 12:56 PM
Results of Your Jealousy Test
Your score = 21
What does your score mean?
Most people experience a certain amount of fear that their loved one could leave them for someone else. After all, these things happen, and when they do, it is usually very painful. You, on the other hand, appear to have a complete lack of jealous feelings. If you were honest with yourself while taking the test, this means that you are extremely secure, strong, and independent. You know that if your partner ever leaves you, you will survive with your self-esteem and dignity intact. You realize that even though you might love your partner very much, s/he is not the only fish in the sea, and that you would eventually find happiness with someone else.
- gone with the windd`